In Uganda

Horyzon gives young people who have fled South Sudan hope for better perspectives and motivates them to work for peace and justice.

Photo: YGlobal Uganda

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In Haiti

Horyzon accompanies girls and young women in their daily lives and offers them a safe space away from the streets where they can learn and exchange.

Photo: YWCA Haiti

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In Colombia

Horyzon gives young people from particularly poor neighbourhoods the opportunity to further their education in workshops and thus accompany them in their development into self-determined adults.

Photo: YMCA Colombia

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In Palestine

Horyzon supports young people with disabilities in their social and professional reintegration and Palestinian farming families with olive trees.

Photo: East Jerusalem YMCA

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In Nepal

Horyzon gives young women the opportunity to educate themselves in workshops and to work together with other women for their community.

Photo: YWCA Nepal

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About Horyzon

Horyzon, the Swiss development organisation for young people, was founded in 1969 as a commission of YMCA/YWCA Switzerland. Today Horyzon is an independent foundation, recognized by ZEWO for its charitable status.

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Horyzon cooperates with partner organisations from the worldwide network of more than 200 national YWCA and YMCA associations, whose profile, philosophy and conception of the social programmes correspond to a high degree with those of Horyzon.



Horyzon concentrates its endeavours in the field of education in the form of non-formal exchange of knowledge, competences and skills. Horyzon has three main areas of work: employability, health and socio-political education.


Eduard in Uganda

Eduard Lujabu Morbe is a 24-year-old refugee from South Sudan who has been living in the Kiryandongo refugee settlement in Uganda since 2016. As the oldest child in his family, he had to take on a lot of responsibility at a young age. He sought refuge in a bad environment and began to drink, but eventually decided on a better life. He completed his school education in Uganda and studied public administration in South Sudan. Since last year, Eduard has been an active member of a peacemaker group of YGlobal, the local partner organisation of Horyzon. He has attended several trainings in leadership, peace and conflict management. This has helped him gain confidence and he now passes on what he has learned to his community and mediates in conflicts. Eduard hopes to become a politician in South Sudan in the future and do good for his country.

Unser Projekt in Uganda
Eduard Uganda 2

Ruth from Haiti

Ruth, a shy and reserved young woman with low self-esteem at the time, hesitated to even participate in the Horyzon's leadership academy program at first because of her negative self-image. However, during a workshop, she was encouraged to speak by the other participants and thus realized that she could believe in herself. She gained so much confidence that she was able to perform a wonderful song in front of a large audience at the graduation ceremony of her course. Ruth attributes the leadership academy program with changing her life and enabling her to discover her talents and believe in the power of positive change. She later returned as a volunteer and shared her story with the participants of the new course to inspire other young women to believe in themselves. Ruth has since found several opportunities to sing at private and public events and is now actively working to inspire her community and create positive change.

Our project in Haiti
Ruth Haiti

Jahrai from Colombia

"I grew up surrounded by political activism because my mother and her partner are both environmental activists. My mother's partner was also the one who convinced me to participate in the Horyzon project "Paza la Paz". Since then, I have been able to develop in different areas: I have improved my communication skills, overcome my stage fright, become a member of the community youth platform, an activist in an environmental committee and a founder of a women's group. For me, the project is more than just a means of social change, because it is the only way for young people here to have a political say. Thanks to "Paza la Paz" I feel more secure about my future. I have acquired the necessary knowledge to make meaningful decisions and am bursting with ideas for change. Because my country needs more than change, it needs transformation."

Our project in Colombia
Jahrai Kolumbien 2

Dina from Palestine

17-year-old Dina is dependent on a wheelchair because of health problems, and she was also suffering from psychological difficulties. She had trouble even leaving the house. Therefore, it was suggested that she attend the rehabilitation programme. In the programme, she learned how to deal with herself, her illness and the limitations associated with it. The highlight of the rehabilitation programme for Dina was a show in which she performed a dance. A statement for the rights of people with disabilities - and for Dina a start into a more self-confident life. She says: "For the first time in my life I feel able to achieve these things I always wanted. My disability will no longer hold me back from being successful".

Our project in Palestine
Dina Palaestina 3