Cholera Prävention in Haiti

Horyzon facilitates clean drinking water for families

Due to ongoing violence and lack of security in Haiti, many of the poorest families have no choice but to drink contaminated water. Families cannot buy soap to wash their hands, garbage is not collected and many hospitals are closed. All these factors have tunred Haiti into a time bomb for cholera.

With the onset of the hurricane season and heavy rains at the beginning of October, there was indeed a cholera outbreak in Haiti. In the Horyzon project "Espace sûr", an awareness campaign for cholera prevention was therefore launched at short notice. In the youth centre, girls and young women are informed about cholera and are given hygiene kits containing means for disinfecting water.

Horyzon is thus helping to ensure that the youth in the project have access to clean drinking water, thus reducing the risk of cholera spreading in their families.
