Our team and board

In the Horyzon office in Olten, seven people share a total of 430 percent of the workload. More than 130 employees and countless volunteers work for Horyzon in the local partner organizations in Haiti, Colombia, Uganda, Palestine and Nepal. Our board members and many other people from the Horyzon family also put in many hours of voluntary work every year to create better prospects for young people in the Global South.


Andrea Rüegg

Managing Director

andrea.rueegg@horyzon.ch 062 296 62 68

Andrea Rüegg

Isabelle Aebersold

Program Manager

isabelle.aebersold@horyzon.ch 062 296 62 68

Isabelle Aebersold

Elisha Frei

Program Manager / Fundraising

elisha.frei@horyzon.ch 062 296 62 68

Elisha Frei

Vera Gsell

Communication / Fundraising

vera.gsell@horyzon.ch 062 296 62 68

Vera Gsell

Sabrina Rentsch

Finances / Controlling

sabrina.rentsch@horyzon.ch 062 296 62 68

Sabrina Rentsch

Patrik Siegenthaler


patrik.siegenthaler@horyzon.ch 062 296 62 68

Patrik Siegenthaler

Cyrill Wunderlin

Program manager / Deputy Managing Director

cyrill.wunderlin@horyzon.ch 062 296 62 68

Cyrill Wunderlin

Board of Trustees

Marlies Petrig

President of the Foundation Board

Head of Health Care Services at KZU Competence Center Nursing and Health

Marlies Petrig

Stefan Bruni

Development Cooperation

Co- Director of the Competence Centre for Regional Economics at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Stefan Bruni

Claudia Tiemann


Audit Manager at BDO AG

Claudia Tiemann

Stefanie Jud

Development cooperation

Senior Specialist Organizational Development at Pro Juventute

Stefanie Jud

Anna Katharina Kupferschmied


Special needs teacher at Besondere Volksschule Stadt Bern

Anna Katharina Kupferschmied

Janine Rey

Cevi Switzerland

Specialist in the Peace and Human Rights Division at the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA

Janine Rey

Lisa Vettiger

Development cooperation

Social worker FH with the City of Winterthur

Lisa Vettiger

Nadja Zgraggen


Director of the protestant parish of Lucerne

Nadja Zgraggen