Education program

"Strong through education!"

The Horyzon education program addresses the challenges faced by disadvantaged young people in gaining access to quality education and job opportunities. Educational inequalities exist both between social classes and between genders. Traditional gender roles, patriarchal structures and care responsibilities often hinder women's equal participation in education and the labor market. The poor quality of public education means that marginalized young people later have limited job opportunities and often work in informal and low-skilled jobs. Violence and crime increase barriers to education and employment, raising the risk of mental health issues, school dropouts, early pregnancies, and involvement in criminal groups.

Ensuring education for all is a major—but achievable—goal of the United Nations, to which Horyzon contributes in Haiti, Palestine, Colombia, and Uganda. Annually, over 2,000 young people acquire the skills necessary for an independent and healthy life. Additionally, around 170 adult caregivers receive further training to better support the youth. Horyzon places particular emphasis on the inclusion of particularly disadvantaged young people, promoting life skills as well as access to basic education and vocational training for marginalized young women, men, people with disabilities, and survivors of political and sexual violence. Qualified professionals focus on the specific needs of the youth and involve the broader community to sustainably improve the future prospects of these young people.

Haiti, Palestine, Colombia and Uganda

over 2,000 young people and 120 adult caregivers per year

Access to education and vocational training, development of life skills and training of caregivers

Horyzon in partnership with YWCA Haiti, YMCA East Jerusalem, YMCA Colombia and YGlobal Uganda