"Hope Beyond Borders"

Better prospects for refugees

Uganda is one of the largest host countries for refugees in the world. Most of them come from neighboring South Sudan and now live in various refugee settlements, often under difficult conditions. Sexualized violence, clashes between different ethnic groups and a lack of food are the challenges of everyday life in these settlements. The fact that the Ugandan population itself is struggling with similar problems and that many humanitarian organizations have already moved on to newer crisis regions exacerbates the problems of the refugees and makes it even more difficult for the different population groups to live together.

Horyzon is active in two refugee settlements, where more than a third of the population consists of young people, many of whom have fled alone or with younger siblings. In the Horyzon project "Hope Beyond Borders," these young refugees receive both psychosocial and financial support. They are provided with therapy for trauma, can participate in gender-segregated youth groups to discuss taboo topics, or train as peer counselors to help others who have been affected. Additionally, they have the opportunity to pursue vocational training or join a savings group, where they can work together with other young people to develop and implement a business idea.Through these opportunities, the young refugees gain a sense of hope for the future, become actively involved in life within the refugee settlements, and have the chance to develop both professionally and socially. Moreover, they learn that conflicts and tensions between different ethnic groups can be resolved through communication rather than violence. By addressing stereotypes and prejudices, the project helps foster peaceful coexistence within the settlements.

Refugee settlements in Kiryandongo and Adjumani

Around 900 young people from South Sudan and Uganda per year who live in the two refugee settlements and neighboring villages

Integration of young people in Uganda and participation in peacebuilding

Horyzon in partnership with YGlobal Uganda

Total contribution from Horyzon for 2024: CHF 187,500

Project in place since: 2021 Current project phase: 2023 - 2024, extension planned until 2028